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Learning for Justice is a project of the Southern Poverty Law Center, which is dedicated to fighting hate and bigotry and to seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of our society.

Learning for Justice has partnered with the following outstanding organizations to offer diverse content through the student texts library and professional development resources.

Teaching Tolerance partners Story Corps logo


StoryCorps preserves and shares humanity’s stories with a mission to build connections between people and to create a more just and compassionate world. Story Corps has contributed content to our student texts library.

Teaching Tolerance Partners Upfront magazine


Upfront is a news magazine published by The New York Times for use in high school classrooms. Its articles examine important contemporary and historical events. Upfront has contributed content to our student texts library.

Teaching Tolerance Partners Welcoming Schools

Welcoming Schools

A professional development project of the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, Welcoming Schools provides training, resources and lessons to support respectful and inclusive elementary schools. Welcoming Schools has contributed content to our student texts library.

Teaching Tolerance Partners NBC Learn

NBC Learn

NBC Learn, the education arm of NBC News, is dedicated to making historic resources and documents available to schools and families. NBC Learn has contributed content to our student texts library.