
Marvin Lynn is Assistant Professor in the Department of Curriculum & Instruction at the University of Maryland at College Park where he founded and currently heads a graduate program in Minority & Urban Education. Having published in several well-respected academic journals, including Teachers College Record, Educational Theory, Qualitative Studies in Education, Equity & Excellence in Education, Urban Education, Educational Philosophy and Theory & Review of Research in Education, he has emerged as one of the leaders of the field of critical race studies in education. He wrote a very popular article entitled "Toward a Critical Race Pedagogy" which offered an analysis of teachers’ beliefs about how to address race and racism in the classroom. The notion of critical race pedagogy has transformed the way researchers think about the connections between race, racism and classroom teaching.


He serves on the editorial boards of several journals including Urban Education, Educational Foundations and The American Educational Research Journal. Last spring, he received a grant from the Stupski Foundation to study the challenges to school reform in the Baltimore City Public School System. He currently serves as the Affirmative Action Officer for Division K, the largest division of the American Educational Research Association. He received his Ph.D. in Social Sciences in Education from UCLA. Prior to studying at UCLA, Dr. Lynn obtained a M.A. in Curriculum & Teaching from the Teachers College at Columbia University and a B.S. in Elementary Education from DePaul University. Dr. Lynn has taught in public elementary schools in Chicago and New York City.

Articles by Marvin