Student Task

Agree or Disagree

Write to the Source
Grade Level


This prompt asks students to form an argument that agrees or disagrees with the main idea of a text.  

Follow these steps to customize this argument/comparison task:
  1. Review the steps in the handout "Plan for Write to the Source."
  2. Review the sample task and then fill in the task template fields below the sample task.
  3. Review the handout "Argument Writing Rubric." Adapt as necessary.

Sample task

Essential Question:  How do individuals live together in a world with lots of different kinds of people?
Suggested Writing Product:  Brainstorm a list of reasons you might agree or disagree with the main idea of the text. Choose to agree or disagree. Then use two ideas from the appropriate list to write a pamphlet showing why you agree or disagree with the writer’s argument.
Additional Task Demand:  Make your argument persuasive by using at least one personal example to show why the opinion you are arguing for is true.
Task Template

For planning purposes, use these fields to customize your student's task:

Additional task demands