Student Task

In Conversation

Write to the Source
Grade Level


This prompt asks students write an imaginative piece that brings the authors or narrators of two different texts into a conversation.

Follow these steps to customize this narrative/applying task:
  1. Review the steps in the handout "Plan for Write to the Source."
  2. Review the sample task and then fill in the task template fields below the sample task.
  3. Review the handout "Narrative Writing Rubric." Adapt as necessary.

Sample task

Essential Question:  What can an individual do to create a safe, welcoming place for all?

Text Title(s):  Read “Shoulders” and “Soccer Teams and Coaches.”

Suggested Writing Product:  Imagine that the texts’ authors are having a conversation. Think about the messages and ideas they would and would not want to communicate to each other. Based on these ideas, write a dialogue that brings the authors into conversation.

Additional Task Demand:  Make the conversation as realistic and meaningful as you can by including at least one quote from each text to show that you understand the author’s point of view.

Task Template

For planning purposes, use these fields to customize your student's task:

Additional task demands