Student Task

Lift a Line

Write to the Source
Grade Level


Lift A Line asks students to demonstrate their explanatory and descriptive writing skills.
Follow these steps to customize this explanatory/description task:
  1. Review the steps in the handout "Plan for Write to the Source."
  2. Review the sample task and then fill in the task template fields below the sample task.
  3. Review the handout "Explanatory Writing Rubric." Adapt as necessary.

Sample task

Essential Question:  Why are some identities seen and others are not seen?
Text Title(s):  Listen to “StoryCorps: I Tried to Hide My Stutter” and read the transcript.
Suggested Writing Product:  Choose one sentence that relates to or expands upon the main idea. Quote the sentence, and write a letter to the speaker explaining how it relates to the main idea using facts and details from the text.
Additional Task Demand:  Elaborate on your writing by using at least one quote from the central text to support your ideas. Read your writing to a partner and find out if they understand the quote the same way.
Task Template

For planning purposes, use these fields to customize your student's task:

Additional task demands