Student Task

Point of View

Write to the Source
Grade Level


This prompt asks students to retell a story or situation from a text from a different point of view. 
Follow these steps to customize this narrative/applying task:
  1. Review the steps in the handout "Plan for Write to the Source."
  2. Review the sample task and then fill in the task template fields below the sample task.
  3. Review the handout "Narrative Writing Rubric." Adapt as necessary.

Sample task

Essential Question:  How does struggle influence personal identity?

Text Title(s):  Read “Ain’t I a Woman.”

Suggested Writing Product:  Think about how the ideas it describes might feel different from the point of view of someone from a different identity group. After brainstorming this topic with a partner or small group, rewrite the speech from a different speaker’s point of view.

Additional Task Demand:  Enrich the story by showing (not telling) how this speaker’s identity leads to a slightly different point of view.


Task Template

For planning purposes, use these fields to customize your student's task:

Additional task demands