Teaching Strategy


Close and Critical Reading
Grade Level


SQP2RS stands for survey, question, predict, read, respond and summarize. SQP2RS (or “Squeepers”) ensures students recognize the steps to reading and understanding informational texts.


Before, during and after reading


SQP2RS facilitates the development of the meta-cognitive skills and awareness students need to understand complex texts and become independent, self-regulating readers.


Begin by selecting a central text. Explain and model all steps before making students responsible for SQP2RS activities. Provide students with a copy of the SQP2RS graphic organizer so they can document their steps.

  1. Survey: Have students take 1-2 minutes to scan the new text and preview the concepts they will learn. Prompt students to read the title, notice text features (e.g. pictures, captions, headings, bolded text) and read the first few paragraphs. After reading, ask: What key concepts do you think you will learn from reading this text?
  2. Question: Assign students to small groups to generate questions they anticipate will be answered by the text. Display student questions in a visible location; mark the most frequently asked questions. After students begin reading, prompt them to attend to the questions by asking: What questions do you have as you read the beginning part of this text? If the text is too lengthy to be read in one sitting, have students formulate new questions for each section as they come to it.
  3. Predict: Ask the whole class to come up with three or four key concepts they think they will learn while reading. The predictions should be based on the questions generated in the prior step, especially those marked “frequently asked.”
  4. Read: Have students read the text, either independently, with a partner, in small groups or one-on-one with you. Instruct students to search for answers to their questions and confirm (or refute) their predictions. Their answers should include textual evidence, and students should use sticky notes to mark those places where their questions are answered or predictions confirmed.
  5. Respond: Independently, with partners or in small groups, students should write or discuss answers to their questions from step 2. Again, require students to cite textual evidence, both in discussions and their writing. Lead a whole-group discussion of the text's key concepts, prompting students to use textual evidence to support their ideas and claims. Clarify any misunderstandings.
  6. Summarize: Independently, with partners or in small groups, students should summarize the text's central ideas in writing or through discussion. Consider these prompts:

    (Oral): In your own words, tell your group and/or a partner the most important ideas and facts from what you just read. You should use your text to support your thinking.

    (Written): Write a summary of this text in your own words. Include the important ideas and facts from each section of the text. You should use the text to help you write your summary.

English language learners

This strategy allows English language learners to direct their own learning. English language learners can use the survey step (step 1) to determine new vocabulary words they need help to learn. By asking students to generate their own questions, they rely on background knowledge to control the direction of the lesson. To ensure English language learners are fully comfortable with this strategy, group them with students who speak the same native language.

Connection to anti-bias education

Providing students with the tools necessary to comprehend and analyze text helps equalize opportunities to learn. A strategy like “Squeepers” improves students’ access to texts. By allowing students to identify unfamiliar key words and independently generate questions, the strategy honors the individual reader-response perspective.