
A Plan for After Oct. 28

What you do after Mix It Up at Lunch Day allows Mix to have a deeper impact on your school.

In two weeks’ time, Mix It Up at Lunch Day will finally be here, and your hard work will be rewarded!  

Right now, take some time and think about the days after your Mix It Up at Lunch Day. You and your core group of organizers put a lot of effort into this. Make sure you get the most value from your event all year long.

Over the 13 years we’ve been mixing it up, our research has shown that scheduling a couple of follow-up events promotes the Mix It Up “spirit” and allows Mix to have a deeper impact on your school.  
There’s no need to do too much detailed planning right now. You have plenty on your plate for the next two weeks. Just remember to talk with your key organizers and bring up some of these ideas later in the year:

  • A second lunch event in the winter or spring
  • A community-improvement project in the neighborhood with “mixed up” work teams 
  • A formal study of the social boundaries and divisions at your school
  • A mural capturing the spirit of Mix It Up at Lunch Day
  • A community showing of the Teaching Tolerance film Bullied

Taking a little time to discuss these ideas during a quick post-Mix meeting can help you get the most out of your event and lay the groundwork for future successful events.

Catch up on more Mix 2014 info here, and kudos on your hard work!