
Announcing Our REVERE Awards Wins!

Teaching Tolerance is pleased to announce that we are among the recipients of 2017 REVERE Awards from the Association of American Publishers.


We’re excited to announce that Teaching Tolerance has won six REVERE Awards, given by the Association of American Publishers! These awards “identify and honor high quality resources that educate learners of all ages, in all media, and in all educational environments, both in and beyond the classroom.”

The top awards, called the Golden Lamp Awards, will be given when the AAP celebrates this year’s winners at its annual gala in May. We’re up for two Golden Lamps, so we hope to have more news then (fingers crossed).

Meanwhile, please join us in celebrating these wins—we owe them to you and the work you do for students each day.


Lesson Series on Immigrants
Best Social Science and History Supplemental Resource

With all the political debate about immigration happening in our country and around the world, you may be looking for ways to teach about this important topic. Help your elementary students discover what they have in common with young people around the world with two lessons on immigration and immigrant experiences. These collaborative and highly engaging lessons are aimed toward grades 3–5 but can easily be adapted for older and younger students. 


STEM Lesson Series
Best Science, Health and Environment Supplemental Resource

This series of lessons explores the work of STEM professionals, examines the underrepresentation of women and people of color in STEM, and considers ways to encourage diversity in these fields. Students get in touch with their “inner scientists” as they explore the varied work of scientists, technologists, engineers and mathematicians and discuss possible reasons that prevent various groups from being equally represented in STEM careers. The theme of this series is “STEM for all!”


Teaching Tolerance Magazine
Best Overall Editorial in Professional Magazines
Best Overall Publication in Professional Magazines

Teaching Tolerance magazine provides teachers, administrators, librarians and counselors with the knowledge and support they need to be effective anti-bias practitioners and advocates for equity and justice in schools. This publication distills complex topics and innovative research into digestible features. Recent topics include political polarization, whiteness and school resegregation and closures. Subscriptions are free to K–12 educators in the United States and Canada. Sign up today!

Teaching Tolerance Magazine, Fall 2016
Best Single Issue Editorial in Professional Magazines

The Fall 2016 issue of Teaching Tolerance helps teachers navigate the 2016 election by unpacking topics such as voting rights, civil discourse and political polarization in the classroom. A particularly popular feature, “No Time Off,” delves into the heavy responsibilities many students face when they leave school for the day. The issue’s most-read feature, “Don’t Say Nothing,” addresses another timely topic by empowering educators to teach about police violence.

"Anatomy of an Ally"
Best Feature in Professional Resources

When educators witness students facing oppression based on their identities, caring is not enough. This feature explains how to be a “teacher ally”—a teacher who works to fully understand their own identity and privilege, and who commits to dismantling systems that silence students and colleagues. This feature also explains how to breathe new life into the classroom and the curriculum to support marginalized students.

"Reel Life"
Best Illustrations, Graphics and Photography

When learning about people of races, ethnicities, religions or nationalities that differ from their own, students—and everyone else—tend to focus on the differences. But learning with international films can help students explore themes that connect people across space and time. “Reel Life” offers teachers strategies to do just that.


"Shifting Out Of Neutral"
Best Feature in Professional Resources

History teachers have a unique opportunity to cultivate morality in the classroom. Rather than leave their objectivity at the door, the author of “Shifting Out of Neutral” encourages teachers to give honest attention to the roles that power and privilege play in the narration of history and historical injustices. By owning and assessing their biases and providing evidence for their viewpoints, both teachers and students can develop strong moral views necessary for making change.

"No Time Off"
Best Illustrations, Graphics and Photography

Millions of students in the United States carry heavy loads, juggling school with employment, caregiving, parenting or some combination thereof. This feature examines common challenges that students with large out-of-school responsibilities face. It also shows how educators’ awareness of these responsibilities isn’t enough; students also need supportive advocates within their schools.