
Announcing the 2012 Mix It Up at Lunch Model Schools

Teaching Tolerance has named 77 schools—25 more than last year—from across the country as Mix It Up Model Schools for their exemplary efforts to foster respect and understanding among their students and throughout their campuses during the 2011-12 school year.

Teaching Tolerance has named 77 schools—25 more than last year—from across the country as Mix It Up Model Schools for their exemplary efforts to foster respect and understanding among their students and throughout their campuses during the 2011-12 school year.

“We are delighted to recognize each of these schools,” said Teaching Tolerance Director Maureen Costello. “Mix It Up Model Schools have found innovative ways to create a school environment where respect and inclusiveness are core values. They serve as examples for other schools hoping to instill these values in their students, faculty and staff.”

The 2012 National Mix It Up at Lunch Day—which marks the 11th anniversary of the program—will be held on Oct. 30. A list of the 77 model schools can be found here.  

Mix It Up Day is a simple call to action. By asking students to move out of their comfort zones and connect with someone new over lunch, the event encourages students to identify, question and cross social boundaries. Many schools plan activities for the entire day, and some use the event to kick off a yearlong exploration of social divisions. Last year, more than 5,500 schools took part.

The Mix It Up Model Schools met five criteria: They each hosted a Mix it Up at Lunch Day in 2011; they included different members of the school’s community—cafeteria staff, aides, administrators, teachers or students—in organizing the event; they followed up with at least two additional Mix It Up-related programs or events on campus; they publicized Mix It Up at Lunch Day or celebrated inclusiveness with posters, announcements and other media; and their event was seen by students and school officials as a success.

Mix It Up Model Schools have these accomplishments in common, but the methods by which they accomplished these goals varied widely. From student-created videos to community-inclusive events, Mix It Up Model Schools have used their creativity and enthusiasm to make Mix It Up at Lunch Day a resounding success.

A special thanks to our Mix It Up Model School veterans who have provided inspiration and leadership for multiple years. 

Millard North High School

Onesimo Hernandez Elementary

Guerneville School

Ellis School

Sebago Elementary

Albert D. Lawton Intermediate School

James Quinn Elementary School

South Valley Elementary

Eastland Career and Technical High School

Manning Elementary School

Hackberry Hill Elementary

Number Five School

Reno Valley Middle School

Mercy Vocational HS

Plainview Old-Bethpage John F. Kennedy High School

Woodland Middle School

Avonworth Middle School