
Announcing the LFJ Educator Fund

Our former Educator Grants just got a makeover.
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We are pleased to introduce Learning for Justice’s new Social Justice Educator Fund! Applications open January 5 for awards ranging from $500 to $25,000 in support of projects aimed toward creating systemic change in school and district communities. Strategic, solution-oriented, innovative projects will align with one of the following three priorities: 

  • restorative discipline;
  • dismantling dominant or oppressive narratives; or
  • youth civic engagement.

For example, projects might entail centering restorative practices for a district-wide discipline policy or auditing a school-wide sexual health curriculum to ensure LGBTQ inclusion. Our goal is to address educational inequities across the country, offering priority consideration to schools in the Southern states where we work most directly: Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Florida and Louisiana.

The LFJ Educator Fund is newly designed to strengthen collaborative practices and foster more inclusive partnerships. With flexible deadlines and ongoing assistance, the implementation process will be customized to fit your community’s needs. Beginning with a transparent decision-making process, LFJ will maintain responsive communications throughout the period of the award. 

We all know that learning works best when it happens together, and that’s why we’re committed to bringing a diverse range of community perspectives to this partnership table—especially those schools and communities most affected by an issue. As our program evolves, we welcome your input for ways we can continue to build and strengthen trust with you and your students.

Our user-friendly application—featuring succinct questions about the specific kinds of support you may need—and streamlined reporting processes are designed so that you can spend more time on what matters most: making a positive impact in your school community. Learn more about the new program here

I hope Learning for Justice can serve as a trusted partner to support effective change in your school community or district. If you have any questions about this exciting opportunity, please feel free to get in touch with us! I hope you are well and staying safe.


Jey Ehrenhalt

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