
Brag on Your School!

Did your school host an outstanding Mix event and keep the Mix spirit going? We want to recognize you!


Last year, we recognized a record 104 Mix It Up Model Schools, schools that went above and beyond a single event to create an atmosphere that makes all students feel welcome. If you and your colleagues hosted an outstanding Mix event and have kept the Mix spirit going all year, we hope you’ll apply to have your school designated as a Mix It Up Model School.

Your school’s profile on our website will show educators and students worldwide what year-round commitment to inclusiveness looks like. Each Model School receives an official certificate of recognition and a Model School badge for the school website so everyone can share in the celebration!

To apply, take about 10-15 minutes to fill out the Model School application and tell us what makes your school exemplary. In addition to needing school and contact information for the Mix coordinator, we’ll also want to know:

  • What happened during your Mix event;
  • How many students participated;
  • Who helped organize the event;
  • How your team publicized the event;
  • How your team prepared students prior to the event;
  • How you know your event was a success.

How to Become a Mix It Up Model School

The 2016-2017 Mix It Up Model Schools will have met these criteria:

1. Participation: Your school hosted a Mix It Up at Lunch Day between the beginning of the school year and January 27. (It did not have to fall on National Mix It Up at Lunch Day, October 25.)

2. Extension: Your school followed up (or plans to follow up) with at least two additional Mix It Up-related programs or events on your campus. 

3. Organization: Members from across the school community (e.g., cafeteria staff, aides, administration, teachers or students) helped organize Mix It Up.

4. Publicity: You publicized Mix It Up at Lunch Day or celebrated inclusiveness through a variety of channels, such as posters, announcements and other media.

5. Implementation: You have evidence that students and colleagues saw Mix It Up at Lunch Day as a success. 

We can’t wait to get your application!

Save the date: Mix It Up 2017 is October 31!