
Call for Writers

Seeking authors for Teaching Tolerance's K–5 Teaching Hard History text library.
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Teaching Tolerance, a leading provider of anti-bias resources for K–12 educators, is seeking authors to create original works about the history and legacy of Indigenous enslavement in what is currently known as the United States as part of our Teaching Hard History project. We are particularly interested in centering the voices of Indigenous authors and working with authors who are either citizens of Native nations or of Indigenous descent.

Specifically, we are interested in publishing work appropriate for readers in grades K–5. All work will be published online in Teaching Tolerance’s free library of student texts.

We are not accepting pitches for picture books, although many texts (especially for young readers) may include illustrations. We will commission illustrations separately, although authors are encouraged to suggest art (and artists) appropriate for their work.

Successful pitches should be fewer than 400 words and include: 

Authors should include a brief biography or link to their online presence that includes demonstrated experience writing for students in grades K–5 and experience writing about Indigenous peoples and Native nations in authentic, accurate and engaging ways.

Authors should be familiar with the guidance offered at American Indians in Children’s Literature and in Devon A. Mihesuah’s book So You Want to Write About American Indians, as well as the principles outlined in Gregory Younging’s book Elements of Indigenous Style.

Through this call, Teaching Tolerance seeks to engage in collaborative and culturally appropriate publishing practices to “ensure that Indigenous material is expressed with the highest possible level of cultural authenticity, and in a manner that follows Indigenous Protocols and maintains Indigenous cultural integrity.” (Younging’s Principle 6).

Authors should feel free to pitch multiple pieces. Please send pitches to Kate Shuster, the Teaching Hard History project director, via email at We’ll respond to all pitches within four to six weeks. Payment is $1 per published word.