Magazine Feature

Toolkit for "No Time Off"

This toolkit for “No Time Off” offers a planning tool for educators to help lighten the load for students who have significant out-of-school responsibilities.


This story is focused on the millions of students with large out-of-school responsibilities such as employment, caregiving or parenting. Educators, whether or not they work in schools or districts with wraparound services, can take steps to work with and advocate for students who carry heavy loads.


Essential Question

How can I support students who have significant responsibilities outside of school?



Refer to “No Time Off” by Maya Lindberg and to specific suggestions in the article’s sidebar, “Lighten the Load.” Use this planning tool to think through and plan for how you can lighten the load for your “second-shift” students.



"Lighten the Load"

Related Resources:

Supporting Students Who Are Often Absent
Down the Hall: It’s Heart Work