
Final Project Outline

This lesson plan is to accompany the Teaching Tolerance magazine article "Exposing Hidden Homophobia"

Sarah Arnold satisfied state standards and promoted tolerance by creating a unit on 'hidden homophobia.' To help teachers build a curriculum for similar projects, we've reprinted her final project guidelines below.

For this unit, your final project will be a completed portfolio that exposes the homophobia that is embedded in our society. By the end of this unit, you will be able to see the "hidden homophobia" that occurs in all facets of our culture. To prove that you have met the learning objectives, you will complete a portfolio exposing homophobia. Start on your portfolio early, so you are not trying to gather and produce a well-done portfolio the night before it is due. Below you will find the Parts of the Portfolio, Important Dates, and Requirements for the Portfolio. If you do not understand something, please ask questions.

Parts of the Portfolio:
Terminology: All terms we used with appropriate definitions and hypothetical examples
Real Life: Examples of the media or the dominant culture demoralizing homosexuals
Novel: List title, author and paragraph summary of novel
Show examples of the notes in your novel
Society: How is society trying to change? Write about different ways and show with clippings.
School: How is school changing? Give examples.
Future: What changes, if any, did you or do you need to make? What changes should occur, so that everyone is "safe" in our school and society?
Letter: Construct a letter in which you explain what each facet of this unit taught you. Explain what you learned from the notes, the novel, and the videos. This can be addressed to your teacher or an administrator, or you can write it like a newspaper editorial.

Important Dates:
1/24 – 1/29   Notes and preliminary information
1/30   Quiz over notes
1/30 & 1/31   Computer lab to type first part of portfolio
2/1   Discuss novel choices and sign up for novel
2/4 – 2/8   In-class reading time
2/11 – 2/14   Computer lab to finish portfolios
2/18   Portfolios are due!

Requirements of the Portfolio:
• Must be organized in a binder. You must use dividers to show different sections. Every article needs to be fixed to the binder. Do not put any items in the pockets or folders.
• All information must be typed and double-spaced.
• Any clippings that are not obtained on the Internet, and are smaller than a regular sheet of paper, need to be fixed to a sheet of paper that can be hole-punched and adhered to the binder.
• Cover page should include the title of your portfolio, your full name, class title, my name and the due date.
• You will need to have a table of contents. Your table of contents will reflect the division of your portfolio.
• You will have at least six divisions in your binder. You may have more, but you may not have less.
• This is an assignment in which you need to use professionalism. You must present yourself, through your portfolio, as a professional. See me if you do not understand what this means.