
Getting Students in the Mix

When students take the lead in promoting friendship and inclusivity, other students take notice!

Every coordinator wants to plan a successful Mix It Up at Lunch Day. Our planning suggestion this week? Get your students in the Mix!

The feedback we’ve received from students and teachers who have participated in Mix is consistent: The most successful events take place at schools where the students are part of the planning committee. When students take the lead in promoting friendship and inclusivity, other students take notice!

In elementary schools–especially in the early grades–teacher-led activities are great. However, in upper elementary, middle and high school, more students buy in and participate when students take the lead.

Older kids have a huge influence on younger kids and Mix can help make sure it’s a positive one. Invite these older students to be models for welcoming, inclusive behavior by having them speak in your classroom, at recess or in assemblies.

A good place to start is the student council, diversity club or multicultural club. Organizing the event could even be a class project or assignment. There are so many possibilities!

No matter how you recruit organizers, remember the spirit of Mix It Up. Existing clubs and organizations are strong assets, but look beyond existing structures, too. Maybe find a handful of students who don’t belong to a club or group, and invite them to participate. Helping with Mix It Up could be a wonderful opportunity for them to develop leadership skills, and could send a positive message to other students who don’t identify with any particular group.

Once you have your core group of student organizers, get them to mix it up before they plan the big event for everyone else. The “Me and We” activity—one of our free online resources—is a good place to start.

Mix It Up at Lunch Day is October 27!

Do you have any questions about Mix It Up? We want to answer them. Any ideas or other thoughts? We want to hear them. Contact us on Facebook or Twitter (use #MixLunch!), or browse these FREE Mix It Up resources