
“Hang Out” With Anti-bias Education Experts

Join the conversation with anti-bias educators and leading education scholars.

Last summer, TT introduced the five recipients of the Teaching Tolerance Award for Excellence in Teaching to our community. These awardees—Christopher Avery, Amy Vatne Bintliff, Christopher Hoeh, Barrie Moorman and Michelle Nicola—are exemplary anti-bias educators. As part of their two-year tenure with us, they engaged in five conversations, facilitated by TT’s Teaching and Learning Specialist June C. Christian, with leading education researchers in the United States. Aimed at bridging the gap between research and practice, these dialogues offer insights with an eye toward solutions.

We recorded the conversations through the Google Hangout platform, hoping that other educators in our community will draw inspiration from them.

Hangout 1: Panel Discussion

What makes an effective anti-bias educator? Watch and listen as this conversation with four education experts—Kevin Kumashiro, Howard Stevenson, Sonia Nieto and Peggy McIntosh—seeks to answer this question and many more.

Hangout 2: Howard Stevenson

If you could ask Howard Stevenson any question related to your professional practice, what would it be? Here’s what the awardees came up with: How do you effectively discuss racial stress at the district level? How does one envision school communities in which parents and teachers share some of the same language when talking about race? What steps can one take to effectively support students of color who feel isolated—beyond affinity groups? Hear Stevenson’s inspiring answers to these tough questions.

Hangout 3: Kevin Kumashiro

Kevin Kumashiro fielded some tough questions from the awardees: How can educators play a role in reframing the national conversation around race and equity? How and by which professional development standards can educators dive into social justice work? Kumashiro’s answers will propel you to rethink the very question posed, all while offering practical advice. 

Hangout 4: Sonia Nieto

Are you interested in learning about how to sustain courageous conversations around race? And how conversations about race can lead to more equitable outcomes in the classroom and serve as a bridge to collective action? This conversation between Sonia Nieto and the awardees is a great starting point.

Hangout 5: Peggy McIntosh

In their conversation with Peggy McIntosh, the awardees reflected on, among other topics, the significant influence of McIntosh’s essay “The Invisible Knapsack” on their professional practice, what they witness as a backlash among many white educators around the concept of privilege, and phases of curricular revision with regard to race. There’s something for everyone in this conversation

We hope you enjoy “hanging out” with these anti-bias education experts!