
How to Tune Out the Bigotry on Fox News

Yesterday, Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly appeared on the television show The View. There, he got into a heated discussion about building a mosque in lower Manhattan near Ground Zero with Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar. They eventually walked off the set in disgust.This morning on Fox & Friends, host Brian Kilmeade decided to weigh in on the matter, predictably calling Goldberg and Behar cowards. He then added, “Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims.”  Later, on his radio show, Kilmeade said that this was simply a “fact.”

Yesterday, Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly appeared on the television show The View. There, he got into a heated discussion about building a mosque in lower Manhattan near Ground Zero with Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar. They eventually walked off the set in disgust.

This morning on Fox & Friends, host Brian Kilmeade decided to weigh in on the matter, predictably calling Goldberg and Behar cowards. He then added, “Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims.”  Later, on his radio show, Kilmeade said that this was simply a “fact.” 

Responding to foolish or narrow-minded comments made on Fox News is a full-time job. Groups like Media Matters can barely keep up. But issuing this kind of blanket statement about Muslims seems beyond the pale, even for Rupert Murdoch’s network.

First off, people living in Northern Ireland, Spain and Oklahoma City might be surprised to hear that all terrorists are Muslims. They've endured terror attacks that had nothing to do with Islam. And arbitrarily lumping all terrorists into one religion is about as unfair as saying “Not all bigots are on Fox & Friends, but all people on Fox & Friends are bigots.”

OK, maybe it’s more unfair than that. But you get the point.

Kilmeade owes a lot of people—roughly 1.2 billion Muslims—a large apology. Whether he gives one or not, his comments are a great way for teachers to address prejudice. Discuss what he said with your classes. See what your students think. Discuss the politicians and journalists who thrive on demonizing others. Discuss the ignorance and fear that gives their message an audience. And discuss the other groups in this country that put up with ugly stereotypes and why.

Teaching Tolerance has materials that can help you get started. Check them out here, here and here.

Price is managing editor at Teaching Tolerance.