
Join Our Advisory Board!

Is social justice a priority in your classroom? Would you like to become more directly involved with Teaching Tolerance? Consider becoming part of our advisory board!
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Being a Teaching Tolerance advisor is a great way to give back to the education community, learn more about our work and network with other anti-bias educators. We established the board in 2011 to help ensure that our materials are relevant and reflect the diverse needs of educators working in school communities across the country. The board consists of classroom teachers, staff developers, librarians, school counselors and administrators who are currently active in K–12 education, including people working at the university level in teacher preparation programs.

The application process is now closed.

Advisors contribute to TT’s mission in a variety of ways, including but not limited to:

  • Giving feedback on content;
  • Sharing expertise and practice via short articles on our website;
  • Reviewing feature stories for Teaching Tolerance magazine;
  • Contributing book and film reviews for the magazine via the Staff Picks departments;
  • Helping program staff anticipate important trends and changes in the field;
  • Acting as ambassadors for the program and our mission.

TT Advisory Board members serve two-year terms—the next term begins June 1, 2019, and ends May 31, 2021. Appointment to the board is contingent on the ability to commit to attending our annual three-day Advisory Board summit in Montgomery, Alabama. All expenses are paid for this trip, which is a unique experience to meet with like-minded educators and share ideas while visiting some of the most significant memorials and landmarks of the civil rights era. This summer’s meeting will be held July 17-19.

If you think your experience, practice and expertise fit the bill, be sure to apply (applications are now closed). The deadline is March 11; new advisory board members will be notified by April.

We look forward to reading your application!