
Looking Beyond Oct. 29

Help tolerance and inclusion last. Plan follow-up events to Mix It Up at Lunch Day!

Mix It Up at Lunch Day is just a couple of weeks away. You’re on track, plans are moving forward, and we know the day will be a big success.

This is a good time to catch your breath and think about the months beyond Mix It Up at Lunch Day. Our research over 11 years of the Mix It Up campaign shows that adding a couple of follow-up events results in deeper understanding among students.

You don’t have to start detailed planning right this minute—you have plenty to do in the next two weeks—but you can sit down with your key organizers and generate ideas for other events. How about:

  • A second lunch event in the winter or spring?
  • A community-improvement project in the neighborhood with “mixed up” work teams?
  • A formal study of the social boundaries and divisions at the school?
  • A mural capturing the spirit of Mix It Up at Lunch Day?
  • A community showing of the Teaching Tolerance film Bullied?

A good brainstorming session now (or during a debriefing meeting the week after the Oct. 29 event) can set you up for successful follow-up events throughout the year.

Mix It Up at Lunch Day is Oct. 29!

Great news! We received such a positive response to our poster contest that we’re doing it again! Register by Oct. 14, and we’ll enter you in a drawing for one of 20 additional sets of four exclusive Mix It Up posters. Have a friend or colleague who hasn’t registered yet? If they register by Oct. 14, they’ll be included as well.

Questions about Mix It Up? Ideas for Mix It Up organizers at other schools? Other thoughts? We welcome feedback—and can respond to questions—on Facebook or Twitter. You can also browse our free Mix It Up resources online.