
Making Shoe Box Gifts

An alternative to store-bought toys.

Usually, for children, gift giving means buying manufactured toys at a store.

Here is an alternative gift idea: Shoe Box Gifts are collections of small, familiar items that are organized around a play theme. They also show that expensive toys in fancy packages aren't necessarily the best.

Decorate an empty shoe box (or a larger box if needed) and gather items related to the chosen theme.
Build dividers into the box or use small containers or zip-lock bags to keep things organized.
Note that some suggested items might require adult supervision.
Have fun!

Here are two suggestions to get you started:

Garden Box

  • Plastic lining
  • Potting soil
  • Seed packets
  • Small watering can
  • Popsicle sticks
  • Garden tools
  • Gardening gloves

Creating with Play Dough

  • Buy some or make your own
  • Garlic press
  • Plastic knife
  • Popsicle sticks
  • Plastic lid
  • Small tray/plate
  • Plastic animals

Adapted with permission from TRUCE (Teachers Resisting Unhealthy Children's Entertainment).