
National Bullying Prevention Month

Join the movement to prevent bullying!

A generation ago, bullying was seen as an unfortunate but inevitable part of growing up. Today attitudes have shifted, but unfortunately bullying continues to negatively impact the lives of millions of young people. Awareness is a first step toward decreasing this number, but it’s action that changes the world. 

October is National Bullying Prevention Month, a perfect time to ask the question: What action is your school or community taking to address bullying? Originally launched in 2006 by the Parent Advocacy Coalition for Educational Rights (PACER), Bullying Prevention Month is an opportunity to learn about and plan anti-bullying events, campaigns and strategies. Already have anti-bullying measures in place? Observe Bullying Prevention Month by recommitting to keeping all students safe.

One way to get involved is to observe Blue Shirt Day on Oct. 7. Blue Shirt Day is promoted by the national organization STOMP Out Bullying and encourages students across the nation to wear blue to symbolize support for bullying prevention. Another option is putting STAND UP for Others Week on the calendar, Oct. 21-24. This campaign promotes positive school climates by encouraging students to say something when they witness bullying. (Our Speak Up Guide can help!)

Robust statewide anti-bullying policies, such as the one in New Jersey, can both increase awareness in that state and inspire other communities. New Jersey initiated a statewide campaign called the Week of Respect celebrated Oct. 7-11. Shannon Cuttle, director of the New Jersey civil rights organization Garden State Equality, is hopeful that the regional event will get communities talking about “ways to take action and create inclusive, safe schools.” One replicable example: To kick off Bullying Prevention Month and the Week of Respect, Garden State Equality hosted a free community-wide screening of the Teaching Tolerance film Bullied followed by a panel discussion.

So, the question remains: What action is your school or community taking to address bullying? If there’s no campaign currently in place, get one started! Action can begin in your own classroom or school. Raising awareness and advocating for effective anti-bullying policies promotes a healthier school climate and—ultimately—a healthier community.


Bring Bullying Prevention Month to your classroom!

Check out these activities and lessons for promoting respect and inclusion.

Stand Up!

This role-playing activity gives elementary and middle school students the opportunity to practice different responses to bullying situations. 

Peer Exclusion

This activity for elementary school classrooms helps students build the tools to respond when they or their peers are excluded from play because of their gender. 

Developing Empathy

Think empathy can’t be taught? These lessons help students understand and practice empathy. 

Bring Bullying Prevention Month to your colleagues!

Want to advocate for a respectful school climate and effective anti-bullying policies? Share these resources with your colleagues. 

Bullying Basics

A quick reference that answers questions frequently asked about bullying.

Examining Your School’s Climate

These resources allow you to assess your school’s climate. 

5 Steps to Safer Schools

Follow these steps to make your school a safer place for LGBT students. 

Speak Up at School

This guide offers concrete strategies for speaking up when students or school officials use biased language at school. 

There Are No Bullies

This article explains the motivation behind bullying behavior and provides tips for preventatively helping youth who engage in it.

Sorensen is a Research Fellow at Teaching Tolerance.