
Our New Magazine Issue Gives the Gift of Hope

We want you to smile when you see our Spring issue.

When you enter your classroom each morning, what gives you hope? What energizes you? What makes you smile? 

Here at Teaching Tolerance, we have the daily privilege of reading essays, features and posts that get us fired up. Each one is a hope-filled gift that invigorates our work and gives it deeper meaning. 

With the Spring issue of Teaching Tolerance, we’re re-gifting.

We want you to smile as widely as we did when we unwrapped the wisdom of hundreds of students who shared their advice to the new president as part of our #StudentsSpeak campaign.

We want you to be deeply stirred by a letter from veteran educator Rhonda Thomason, who calls for a “revolution of hope.” Thomason dares us to imagine more for our classrooms and our world, to take chances and to empower one another. Her gift can strengthen your resolve.

We want you to be compelled to act. Open “Expelling Islamophobia” to read how religious literacy can expel misunderstanding and hate; tear into “Immigrant and Refugee Children” to learn how you can advocate for immigrant students whose rights are in peril.

We want you to be inspired by like-minded educators. Read how school counselor Barbie Garayúa-Tudryn developed a Latina civic empowerment program in response to the needs of her students. Feel the urgency of journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones’ real talk about school segregation, and think critically with James Loewen as he reveals “What Learning About Slavery Can Teach Us About Ourselves.”  

Like the flourishing garden on this issue’s cover, these stories can cultivate hope and resolve in times when friendship, kindness and justice may be struggling to take root.