
PBIS (The Puzzle of Positive Behavior)

A list of alternatives to suspension.

Alternatives to Suspension
There are a number of ways that schools can cut down on suspensions so that students do not miss class time. Here are some options:

  • Conference with the student to provide him/her with corrective feedback.
  • Re-teach behavioral expectations.
  • Mediate conflict between students or students and staff.
  • Create behavior contracts that include expected behaviors, consequences for infractions, and incentives for demonstrating positive behaviors.
  • Student completion of community service tasks.
  • Development of an open communication system between parents/guardians and school officials in order to address issues the student may be facing in a collaborative manner.
  • Reflective activity, such as writing an essay, about the offense and how it affected the student, others, and the school.
  • Loss of a privilege.
  • Adjust the student's class schedule or placement to maximize academic and behavioral improvement.
  • Create a check-in/check-out intervention plan for the at-risk student with a caring adult in the school who tracks the student's behavioral progress and addresses his/her individual needs on a daily basis.
  • Require daily or weekly check-ins with an administrator for a set period of time.
  • Refer student to counselor, social worker, behavior interventionist, or Building Based Student Support Team.
  • Work with the student to choose an appropriate way for him/her to apologize and make amends to those harmed or offended.
  • Arrange for the student to receive services from a counseling, mental health, or mentoring agency.
  • Detention or in-school suspension, during which the student completes his/her work.