
Picturing Inequality

Use this infographic to learn about inequality in the juvenile justice system and the damaging effects of the school-to-prison pipeline.


The school-to-prison pipeline is a term used to describe the phenomenon of students being pushed out of the classroom and into the juvenile and criminal justice systems. Its origins, policies, practices and effects on students are well documented; and discipline reform advocates have worked for years to move schools away from punitive punishments for student misbehavior and toward responsive discipline. In this infographic, Multisystemic Therapy breaks down the disparities and various costs that come with schools instituting zero-tolerance discipline policies and police presence.

Want to know more about the school-to-prison pipeline epidemic? Click here and here for two Teaching Tolerance blogs, read this magazine feature story, and use our publication Code of Conduct: A Guide to Responsive Discipline to learn what you and your school can do to avoid zero-tolerance disciplinary measures and keep more students in school.

Inequality in the Juvenile Justice System

Courtesy of MST Services

Williams is the new media associate for Teaching Tolerance.