
Portfolio Activity for “Bully at the Blackboard”

When schools implement anti-bullying programs, the focus is usually centered on student-to-student bullying. However, students aren’t the only bullies in school. Teachers sometimes earn the label when they employ questionable disciplinary and management practices. Teaching Tolerance has a new self-assessment survey to help you assess the power dynamics of your classroom. We encourage you to take the survey then reflect on the questions below or discuss them with your colleagues.

Reflection/Discussion Questions:

  1. How do you feel about your score on the survey?
  2. Have you seen or heard of examples of teacher bullying at your school?
  3. How did you and your colleagues respond to the teacher bullying?
  4. What new strategies might you try next time?

When addressing teacher-bullying it is crucial to document incidents as part of the intervention process. This Bullying Observation Form will help record and specify behaviors.