
Portfolio Activity for “Game Changers”

Grades: 5-8
Subjects: Science and Health
Categories: Diversity and inclusion; Disability

The “new PE” emphasizes personalized fitness programs and cooperative rather than competitive games. How could this work in your school?

Discussion Questions:
1. What does physical fitness mean to you? How does it apply to the life you want to lead?
2. Think about the physical activities that you enjoy the most. What makes them enjoyable? Which are reflected in our school’s physical education programs? Which are not?

A New Movement
1. The sound of a coach’s whistle is a negative one for many people. But it will be a fun part of a quick brainstorming session. On a white board, generate a list of activities you and your classmates enjoy outside of class that could be part of a new type of fitness program. (Note: Explain that you will make a short and soft whistle blast as each suggestion is added. Remind students they will need to think fast!) In addition to physical activities such as bike riding, rock climbing or team sports, you might want to add other activities such as television watching or playing video games. If you enjoy them, they can go on the list. End your brainstorming session after five minutes.

2. Split up into pairs or small groups. Be sure everybody has access to the list of activities you’ve generated. Within your groups, design at least one physical education unit or station that incorporates three of the activities. Consider an inclusive program that will work for all students, including those with special needs and those who are motivated by goals other than competition. Then, share your ideas with the other groups. 3. Choose the best ideas to suggest to your physical education teachers or school administrators.

Around the Web
American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD)
Let’s Move in School
Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN)
Changing the Game sports project and the Team Respect Challenge
National Association of Sport and Physical Education (NASPE)
National Consortium for Physical Education and Recreation for Individuals with Disabilities (NCPERID)