
Positive Discipline

This primer to positive discipline can get you started.

Positive discipline techniques require practice and patience. Enlist the help of parents, as well as other teachers and school personnel. Don't expect immediate results, but do recognize -- and reward -- small acts of positive behavior.

1. Define a Goal
Look toward the long term. What's important for students to know and value? Self-respect? Empathy? Responsibility? Cooperation? Consideration? Tolerance? Keep this goal in mind.

2. Recognize Positive Steps
What behaviors, feelings, attitudes or skills move students toward that goal? Accepting compliments and corrections? Asserting their needs? Concentrating on their work? Appreciating another viewpoint? Understanding the effects of their behavior? Listening? Sharing? Practice recognizing these attitudes and actions.

3. Reinforce Positives
Reinforce even the smallest steps forward. Help students notice their accomplishments and appreciate the accomplishments of others by offering praise, applause, tickets and other rewards when appropriate.

4. Disarm Negatives
What can be done about the negative behaviors and attitudes that impede progress? Do what's needed to take away their power: ignore, change the focus, offer positive alternatives. Never give negative behavior status by publicly reprimanding or by writing names on the blackboard or by engaging in an argument.

5. Appreciate Progress
How can you maintain optimism? Measure progress often, remember where you began, and appreciate every step forward.