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Resources on cyberbullying


Bullying Beyond the Schoolyard: Preventing and Responding to Cyberbullying
by Sameer Hindjuda and Justin W. Patchin
Endorsed by the executive directors of both the National Association of Secondary School Principals and National Association of Elementary School Principals, this exemplary volume provides information, tools and strategies that can be used in every school. $29.70; ISBN-10: 1412966892; ISBN-13: 978-1412966894

Teen Cyberbullying Investigated
by Thomas A. Jacobs, J.D.
Written by a juvenile court judge, this book consistently asks, “What would you do?” As noted in the School Library Journal, the book “distinguishes itself by covering more than 50 actual court cases involving teenagers. … The hearings are a sobering reminder of the real dangers and legal consequences of cyberbullying.” $16; ISBN-10: 1575423391; ISBN-13: 978-1575423395


A Thin Line
A great resource for students, this social marketing campaign from MTV addresses the “thin line between what may begin as a harmless joke and something that could end up having a serious impact on you or someone else.” The campaign stands apart from other programs directed at youth, thanks to edgy design, engaging use of multimedia and unsanitized treatments of digital abuse.

Bullying in Schools and What to Do About It
This online resource from Ken Rigby, an author, former teacher and counselor, offers an array of free materials and research briefs dealing with the Method of Shared Concern, a restorative-justice approach to bullying interventions.

Cyberbullying Research Center
The Center provides constantly updated information about the nature, extent, causes and consequences of cyberbullying among adolescents. Its website offers an array of downloadable resources—from word-search activity sheets to discussion guides for use at home and school.

Cyberbullying: Understanding and Addressing Online Cruelty
This online-only curriculum from the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) offers age-appropriate lessons for early, middle and upper grades and squarely confronts the bigotry that can fuel cyberbullying. The ADL, which has regional offices across the country, also offers related workshops for school communities.

NetSmartz, a partnership of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and the Boys and Girls Clubs of America, gives much attention to online predators and also offers scenarios specifically about peer-to-peer abuse, brought to life in cartoons and supplemented by activity sheets.

Wired Safety
One of the longest-running online safety organizations, Wired Safety sponsors the often lauded Tween and Teen Angel programs, which train and empower youths to lead presentations about responsible technology use for other children, parents and teachers. Get your students involved, or find an Angel who can meet with students in your school.