
Showing Students and Families You Care

In the event of a tragedy, teachers can make powerful connections with students and families by showing they care.

When bad things happen in a community, helping young people process their pain and fears and regain a sense of security in the aftermath is one of the most important charges adults must take on. Kids need the adults in their lives to be available and real and to show they care, and teachers are in a special position to do just that.

Middle school teacher Chad Donohue made it a point to show care to his school’s student body this fall. After the October 24 shooting at nearby Marysville Pilchuck High School in Marysville, Washington, Donohue wrote a letter to the families in his school community, reminding the students that their teachers value them and want to know their stories—and that they can turn to their teachers if they ever feel overwhelmed or hopeless.

The flood of positive responses from students’ families was telling: It mattered to them that this teacher reached out to show his concern for and commitment to his students. Here are just a few of those responses:

  • “Thank you for your beautiful words of hope. It is such a blessing to know that my boy is in your class.” 
  • “It brought me to tears. I’ll definitely be sharing with K****, as well as our daughters in high school. Thank you so much for the powerful insight!”
  • “I chose to let C**** read it this morning. He processed every word and I couldn't help but cry when his fingers touched the pad to scroll down and read more. When he finished, I asked him what he thought and he just kept his lips together and nodded, and I could see his compassion.  I asked him if he understood it and what he took from it and he said, ‘I have lots of choices if I'm sad.’"

Educators can’t anticipate when tragedies will occur, but they can help their school communities heal by opening their arms and letting students know they genuinely care about them. And fostering a caring school climate where families feel welcomed is one step that experts say can help prevent tragedies in the future.