Letters To The Editor

You Spoke, We Listened

Our latest magazine issue, new website launch and social media news stories inspired a lot of dialogue with our community. Keep the feedback coming!

#TakeAKnee | TT58 | Teaching Tolerance

Reader Reactions

When kneeling during the national anthem re-entered the spotlight last fall, we wanted to be sure educators were prepared for the inevitable classroom talks. Read our #TakeAKnee blog.

#taketheknee is the kind of silent, non-violent protest the likes of which we haven’t seen since the first half of the 1960s, and I welcome and respect it. This is part of the history that should be in the curriculum.

—Deb Hartogensis Godden via Facebook

We teachers must have these discussions in our classrooms. All of us need information, time and reflection to figure out what we believe to be true about life. In our world of tweets and interpretive news, we often form opinions without much thought. Our young people need to learn and practice critical thinking skills.

—Pat Ramsey via Facebook

Stellar Tweet

A reminder that in these trying times @Tolerance_org offers great resources to promote appreciation of diversity in schools. #hope

—Sheila Soule (@HUUSD_Learns)



The new website looks fantastic! Thank you and your team for all the excellent work that went into this. There are many wonderful, important and helpful resources here for educators, and we plan on using many of them.

—Alexander Wyeth, via email



From a teacher perspective, it can be so overwhelming trying to find articles and activities that align with standards, address real world issues and work appropriately with the longer text we are reading. The “build a learning plan” feature just eliminated all of that stress and pressure.

—Olivia Tasch, via email

Editor’s note

Have you tried our Build a Learning Plan feature? Start building your own plan by selecting the blue button on any page or the red Teach This button on any article.


[On “What Is the ‘Alt-Right’?”] It is important for students to be able to discern hate from unpopular or politically incorrect opinions, and what was noticeably lacking in the article was any mention of left-wing hate. Extremist groups exist along the political spectrum, including radical identity political advocates. Teaching Tolerance would garner more credibility if it even attempted to present a balanced perspective.

—Gary Court, via email



[I] showed The Children’s March DVD to my 8th graders today (third year in a row teaching this topic), and the students are completely enthralled. In the past, I haven’t used some of the resources that allow modern tie-ins because I felt as though there was nothing significant to which my students could relate, but in 2017, I am grateful for the opportunity to try them out!

—Gina StMaur Foody, via Facebook

Editor’s note

Mighty Times: The Children’s March and all of our other film kits are always free for educators! You can order films and accompanying guides here.


I’m typically very supportive of the articles posted by Teaching Tolerance. In this case, I’m a bit disheartened by this celebratory article that addresses the history of women’s suffrage and the “victory” gained through the ratification of the 19th Amendment. … In some Southern states, women of color were unable to freely exercise their right to vote up until the 1960s. Not a victory! Simply a step in the right direction.

—Shajaira P. Lopez, via Facebook



I read Alice Pettway’s “Washed Away” (on OCD) in the Fall 2017 Teaching Tolerance magazine, and I cried and cried. No one has ever recognized what I do and feel every day. … I’ve supported SPLC for years and years in my small way and used Teaching Tolerance in my teaching with immigrant children. This little story gives me yet another powerful reason to continue my support.

—Anonymous, via email



I believe we are all teachers and students at one time or another. It’s become too easy to assume we cannot create change as this destruction of our society rages. Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, all other forms of social media have given rise to cowards who spew hatred without a second thought to the consequences. … I appreciate your voice for enlightenment.

—Jaime Rubenstein, via email


Burrow Bunch

I train ECE and K–12 future teachers. Teaching Tolerance is a great tool that my students love because of the diverse perspectives offered by people or educators in the field. To know the law is important, but to know the rights of our children is empowering. There are lesson plans for all grade levels and the magazine brings current issues that are very useful in our weekly discussions and dialogues.

—Anonymous, via Facebook

Tell Us What You Think!

Have an opinion about something you see in Teaching Tolerance magazine or on our website? Contact us by email or mail a letter to 400 Washington Ave., Montgomery, AL 36104.