
Start the School Year Right!

Be prepared for whatever this year holds with these Teaching Tolerance materials.

Happy back-to-school season! We know you want to set the tone for a great school year right off the bat, so we’ve hand-picked some NEW and classic TT materials to help you do just that. From discussing the 2016 election and police violence to creating a welcoming school environment and caring for yourself, we’ve got you covered.

Starting the Year Off Right For educators, the back-to-school season is often jam-packed. The Teaching Tolerance Advisory Board—all of whom are educators, too!—offer two great blogs' worth of advice on how to start strong and stay strong. Some of our other favorite back-to-school resources invite eduactors to consider: the importance of knowing students' preferred pronouns; why giving out pencils shouldn't be a “big” deal; and the power of letting students determine classroom rules. 

Back-to-School Dread?

Tips for the Back-to-School Season

The Problem With Pronouns

Give the Kid a Pencil

I Start the Year With Nothing

Perspectives for a Diverse America Our literacy-based anti-bias currluculm is the perfect planning tool for the new school year. Not sure where to start? This brief introductory video will get you going. Follow it up with an on-demand webinar about the standards that underpin Perspectives, and a set of set of fun anti-bias learning activities you can try tomorrow to get your students ready.

How to Use Perspectives for a Diverse America introductory video (7 minutes)

The Anti-bias Framework and Perspectives
 on-demand webinar (16 minutes)

20 Face to Face Advisories

Election Resources The 2016 presidential election is unlike any in recent memory. Throughout the spring and summer, educators asked for resources to help them bring civility back to their schools and classrooms and support their teaching about the election. Our web package of online resources (and the accompanying webinar) offer great suggesetions, activites and troubleshooting suggestions. And Selma: The Bridge the Ballot will inspired students grades 6-12 with the true story of how young people in Alabama changed voting rights history. 

Election 2016 Resources web package

Teaching the Election on-demand webinar (7 minutes)

Selma: The Bridge to the Ballot film kit (41 minutes)

Teaching About Police Violence Students will be entering classrooms with questions about police violence; this web pacakge can help you prepare for that and teach about race, racism, police violence and institutional violence more broadly. The resources—including the feature story “Ferguson, U.S.A”—can prompt much-needed discussion around implicit bias and systemic racism, among other topics.

Teaching About Race, Racism and Police Violence web package

Ferguson, U.S.A.

Self Care With all the excitement of school starting up, it's easy to let your self-care reserves diminish. These two feature stories offer helpful suggestions for how to stay present and engaged when the school year throws you a curve ball, and the on-demand webinar includes practical reminders for how to keep your compassion tank full.

I thought about quitting today...

Healing From Moral Injury

Self Care for the Summer on-demand webinar (60 minutes)

Mix It Up at Lunch Day With a 15-year track record of reducing school bullying, increasing empathy among students, helping kids make new friends and fostering all-out FUN, Mix It Up at Lunch Day is a great way to bring your school community together. Our resources will give you plenty of ideas and guidance for making Mix a success on your campus.

Mix It Up! on-demand webinar (18 minutes)

What Is Mix It Up at Lunch Day? introductory video (2 minutes)

Register for Mix It Up 2016!