
Student Posters Speak up against Bullying

"Don't Be a Bystander,” says one of the anti-bullying posters created by Tualatin High School students. It’s an important message for students to hear. In an effort to combat the growing bullying crisis, Teacher Rachel Robinson showed her advanced digital arts classes Teaching Tolerance’s film, “Bullied: A Student, a School and a Case That Made History.”

"Don't Be a Bystander,” says one of the anti-bullying posters created by Tualatin High School students. It’s an important message for students to hear.

In an effort to combat the growing bullying crisis, Teacher Rachel Robinson showed her advanced digital arts classes Teaching Tolerance’s film, “Bullied: A Student, a School and a Case That Made History.”

Moved by the film’s message, the students decided they wanted to spread the word to the rest of the school by making anti-bullying posters. Robinson supported the idea, telling, “Not tolerating bullies needs to come from the top down and the kids up. It is our moral and legal obligation to protect the kids.”

We commend both Robinson and the school’s administration for taking the students’ idea to the next level—a school-wide poster contest. The resulting 70 posters are a compelling reminder of the power of student activism.