Magazine Feature

Toolkit for Meet the Mix it Up at Lunch Day Model Schools

Build collaboration and teach goal setting with these Mix planning tools.

Mix It Up at Lunch Day Model Schools are inspiring! Each one took the idea of Mix It Up and personalized the day to meet the needs of its school community. The key to a good Mix It Up event is collaborative planning among students and teachers. By working together to set goals, make concrete plans and consider what makes your school unique, you can organize a great Mix It Up event, too!


Essential Questions

  1.  Why is Mix It Up at Lunch Day important?
  2. What does it mean to “mix it up”?
  3. What are some unique features of your school environment?



  1. Bring together a group of students, teachers, administrators and other staff who are interested in helping plan Mix It Up at Lunch Day. The more diverse the group, the better your Mix it Up event will be. Before you start planning, take time to get to know each other and why each person is interested in working on the project.
  1. As a group, set three concrete goals for your Mix It Up at Lunch Day. You may want to start by having each group member propose one goal. Then talk about how these goals might overlap with each other and narrow it down to three. It is important that the goals be set by the members of your group, as that is the best way to make sure your Mix It Up event really meets the needs of your school environment.
  1. Follow the planning guidelines delineated at
  1. After your Mix event is over, reconvene your planning group to reflect. Did you meet your goals? How could your next Mix It Up at Lunch Day be even better? What did you learn about your school and community from participating in this process?
  1. Set up regular times for the Mix It Up committee to continue meeting. How can you extend your goals and work throughout the school year and beyond the cafeteria?