
The Best of 2016

Check out TT’s can’t-miss stories, blogs and PD resources from 2016!

Teaching Tolerance has worked hard this year to offer timely content that supports educators in the face of such pressing issues as police violencehateful rhetoric in the mainstream, and legal and policy shifts that affect transgender students. We've also highlighted the work of exemplary, inspiring teachers by naming the five winners of the 2016 TT Award for Excellence in Teaching. And listening to educators' concerns motiviated us to initiate two school-focused campaigns: #Civility2016 and #StudentsSpeak.     

Here's just a sampling of the blogs, stories and PD resources that made a big impact on readers in 2016. Don’t miss a thing in 2017! Be sure to subscribe to Teaching Tolerance magazine and our weekly newsletter, check out our daily blog and participate in our free webinars!


The Day After
A TT teaching and learning specialist offers some post-election guidance for classroom teachers.

Dear Olympic Media: Do Better by Women Athletes
The media’s words and editorial choices matter. Young people all over the country—and the world—are watching. 

#NoDAPL: Teaching the Value of Protest
The protests at Standing Rock offer four valuable lessons for students of all ages.

Part-Time Indian and Colin Kaepernick
A TT Award winner extends his usual coverage of the Sherman Alexie classic to address how dominant cultural narratives reinforce who is considered American—and who isn’t.

Please Talk About Orlando: A Letter to the Nervous Educator
Educators cannot be silent about hate: They must take a stand and equip their students to do the same. 

Supporting Students Who Are Often Absent
Seven practices to engage students who miss class due to poor health, familial responsibilities, or emotional or mental health issues.  

Feature Stories

Anatomy of an Ally
Caring isn’t enough. Marginalized students need teacher allies who actively validate and empower them.

Being There for Nonbinary Youth
Fully honoring the needs of transgender students involves affirming their identities and making them feel safe.

Don’t Say Nothing
Students hear educators’ silence about police violence. Speak up.

Polarized Classrooms
Classroom discussions that reduce political parties to "good team" versus "bad team” do not prepare youth to participate in a democracy.

Segregation Forever?
School enrollment patterns in the Deep South are no coincidence—the legacy of slavery continues to shape this social reality.

Teaching at the Intersections
Educators can use an intersectional lens to better relate to and affirm all students. (What’s intersectionality? Watch our popular claymation video!)

Why Talk About Whiteness?
We can't talk about racism without addressing whiteness.

Publications and Webinars

After Election Day, The Trump Effect: The Impact of the 2016 Presidential Election on Our Nation’s Schools
The campaign season and election of Donald Trump derailed many classrooms and have made marginalized students feel unsafe and fearful.

Let's Talk! Discussing Black Lives Matter With Students
Learn about the activist group’s roots, platform and connection to past social justice movements—and get tips for engaging students.

Let’s Talk! Discussing Whiteness
Why does whiteness fly beneath the race radar? And what challenge does this normalization pose for educators committed to racial justice?

Voting and Elections: Resources for a Civil Classroom
Educators told us what they need to navigate life in the classroom after the 2016 presidential election. We listened.