
We Want to Hear From You: How Have Current Events Affected Your School?

One year ago, Teaching Tolerance observed a sea change in school climate as a result of contemporary events. In 2018, we’re continuing the work—and asking once again for your help.

Last year, we reported on the effect of the 2016 election on U.S. schools. The news was discouraging. Fear and mistrust were on the rise; so were incidents of bias and bigotry. 

A year later, how have things changed for educators and students? We’re asking you to help us find out by responding to the Teaching Tolerance School Climate Survey.

We want to know how current events, proposed policies and political rhetoric are affecting you and your students. We’ll issue one or more reports on what we find by fall 2018, with the hope that the data will help educational leaders shape policy. The results will also shape how we proceed with our mission to prepare all young people to thrive in a diverse democracy.

This survey was designed by Teaching Tolerance and a team of four academic researchers from universities across the country. We’ll ask you about yourself, your school or district, the climate at your school, the ways you and students have—or haven’t—been affected by contemporary events, and how your school has responded. Finally, we’ll ask you for recommendations.

At the end of the survey, you’ll have an option to remain anonymous, which means your responses cannot be traced to you. You’ll also be given an option to provide your name and email and make yourself available for follow-up questions from a researcher.

Your time is valuable, but no one else can answer these questions. Thank you for helping us improve school climate across the country. 

Take the 2018 School Climate survey now