
Welcoming Diversity

Steps you can take to create a respectful and culturally sensitive classroom.

1. Call students by their correct names. Ask for help with pronunciation of unfamiliar names, and help classmates learn to say the names correctly. Do not offer to change or shorten their names or give them nicknames.

2. Ask students how they identify themselves. ("Asian American," "Korean American," "Chinese," or "American," etc.) Do not assume a particular nationality or birthplace. Some students' families will have lived in the U.S. for many generations; others may be recent immigrants.

3. Don't assume Asian American students will have particular academic or athletic interests. Encourage broad participation in all aspects of school life.

4. Help all students identify and challenge the stereotypes of Asians that might arise in film, literature, textbooks or TV -- Asians as martial arts fighters, math and science geniuses, docile housewives and conciliatory merchants, bloodthirsty warriors or sneaky businessmen.

5. If Asian American students express an interest in their Asian cultures, encourage efforts to bring that cultural connection into the classroom. Seek out literature from their culture to include in the curriculum. Learn words of greeting from their Asian language. Invite students to describe special holiday celebrations and religious observances.