
What We’re Reading This Week: April 28

A weekly sampling of articles, blogs and reports relevant to TT educators.

The Privilege of School Choice

The Atlantic

“It’s a conundrum facing schools across the country: How can you persuade parents with other options to choose integration?”


How Does Race Affect a Student's Math Education?

The Atlantic

“‘Whiteness is impacting how and where we see mathematics ability.’”


Trump Is the New Insult on Playgrounds

The Daily Beast

“Bizarrely Trump-themed play is popping up in schools for children as young as four years old.”


Reverend Resistance 


“Rev. William Barber II might have become the president’s pastor. Instead, he’s now the face of a progressive Christian protest movement that’s taking its fight from North Carolina to the White House.”


New Study Shows Anti-Semitism Soared Last Year

The Huffington Post

“Harassment, vandalism and other hostile acts against Jewish people and sites in the U.S. increased by 34 percent last year and are up 86 percent through the first three months of 2017.”


Never Mind the Students; Homework Divides Parents

The New York Times

“Worry about excessive homework is competing with anxieties about student achievement and global competition. The situation is compounded by an urge among parents ‘to have as much control over their children as possible.’”


A federal judge is letting an Alabama school district return to segregation


“A federal judge is allowing the predominantly white Alabama community of Gardendale to proceed with its effort to secede from the predominantly African-American Jefferson County school district, despite acknowledging that the district is motivated by race.”


Why Lead Poisoning in Water Is an Environmental Racism Issue

Teen Vogue

“Lead poisoning is really a symptom of divestment and a failure to invest in urban and poor communities. That failure occurs because these communities are not valued.”


“We’re all just different!” How Intersectionality is Being Colonized by White People

Thinking Race

“Intersectionality isn’t a theory of difference. It’s a theory of oppression. And when we treat it simply as a way to understand our differences, we erase its powerfully subversive critique.”


Climate Denial in Schools


“Legislation proposed across the country since Donald Trump’s election threatens to bring climate change denial into the classroom under the guise of ‘academic freedom.’”


Why are we criminalizing behavior of children with disabilities?

The Washington Post

“We must equip our schools to positively and proactively address the behavioral needs of students with disabilities, not arrest children in need of support.”

If you come across a current article or blog you think other educators should read, please let us know!