
What We’re Reading This Week: August 24, 2018

A weekly sampling of articles, blogs and reports relevant to TT educators.

What Counts as a School Shooting? The Answer to That Question Shapes Safety Debates 

Education Week 

“How educators, policymakers, and the public at large classify shootings ... matters, because what's consider[ed] a ‘school shooting’ affects larger school safety debates and the policy changes that result from them.” 


Good Teachers Use the N-word 

The Hechinger Report 

“Teachers must teach the N-word, particularly in literature and music, in the context of the history of white supremacy, lynching, economic suppression as well as segregation and discrimination. They must deconstruct it.” 


Robin DiAngelo on White People's 'Fragility'  


“My work is actually easier now than it was before. And I think people are desperate. There's a kind of urgency. There's a kind of shock for people who really didn't have to see or think about this. … People of color have expressed their irritation with why we're shocked. But nonetheless, we are shocked. We haven't really had to know or see. And now it's really clearly in front of us.” 


Project Documents Hidden History of LGBTQ Life in the South 


“Historian and archivist Joshua Burford said the goal of the Invisible Histories Project is to create a uniquely Southern collection that will ‘give Southern history back to queer Southerners.’” 


‘Silent Sam is down’: Crowd Topples Confederate Statue at UNC 

The Washington Post 

“This is more than just a statue or a memorial. Silent Sam is a piece of lost-cause propaganda.”