
What We’re Reading This Week: August 9, 2019

A weekly sampling of articles, blogs and reports relevant to TT educators.

‘Anywhere I Go, I Feel Threatened’: Schools Encounter Latino Students’ Fears in Shooting Aftermath 

Education Week 

“For students like Roman Pastrana in Socorro, it is still a terrifying moment to be standing on the cusp of adulthood, unsure of what comes next when racism and white nationalism are resurgent—and in a country being led by a president who routinely uses racist and divisive language about people of color and immigrants.” 


When the Children Leave: What’s Left After a Mass Exodus of Young People From Puerto Rico? 

The Hechinger Report 

“Many schools closed because of dwindling student populations. But, even as the number of students declined, the schools still served a secondary purpose as community hubs — hubs that residents are intent on getting back.” 


Rewriting the Indigenous Stories for Children 

Indian Country Today 

“No child should be given untruths, but that's what most get, in today’s classrooms. … Knowing the truth can help students grow into people who can disrupt the status quo, by attending protests and by casting votes, or running for office. So that justice is closer to the ways that Indigenous peoples define it.” 


Coming to America: Our Best Student Podcasts About Immigration 


“[Fahmo Abdi’s submission to NPR’s Student Podcast Challenge] is one of many we received, out of nearly 6,000 total, that touched on the lives and experiences of immigrants: stories of students struggling with adapting to life in the U.S., or their journeys to get here, or, in some cases, reaching back a generation or two to learn about where they came from.” 


Using Gender-Neutral Pronouns May Reduce Sexism 

Pacific Standard 

“[The studies’] results suggest that ‘language effects on cognition are real,’ the researchers conclude. They argue that adopting gender-neutral terms could help societies move toward higher levels of gender equality.”