
What We’re Reading This Week: January 25, 2019

A weekly sampling of articles, blogs and reports relevant to TT educators.

America’s Teachers Are Furious 

The Atlantic 

“By expanding their demands beyond their own compensation, teachers’ unions are transforming into some of the most significant advocacy groups striving for socioeconomic equality in America today.” 


The Horrors of Auschwitz at a Museum in New York 

The New York Times 

“Beyond the demonic mechanics of the camp itself, the exhibition provides voluminous context: the rise of Nazism, Hitler’s campaign to exterminate the Jews while waging a three-front war, and the aftermath experienced by survivors who lost entire families.” 


MAGA Teen Nicholas Sandmann and the White Privilege of Redemption 

Teen Vogue 

“Nicholas has been given opportunities that many white men benefit from: He can rewrite history from his point of view.” 


New Federal Survey Shows 2% of U.S. High School Students Identify as Transgender

The Trevor Project

“The CDC’s findings highlight the need for even more policies to protect transgender and gender nonconforming youth, as well as additional support for LGBTQ-affirming organizations like The Trevor Project.”


Bible Classes in Public Schools? Why Christian Lawmakers Are Pushing a Wave of New Bills 


“Opponents say the measures come perilously close to violating the constitutional line between church and state – and, in practice, might overstep it.”