
What We’re Reading This Week: June 2

A weekly sampling of articles, blogs and reports relevant to TT educators.

How to Really Help Gay Teens Thrive

The Atlantic

“LGBT high-schoolers are still getting bullied, but new research shows how schools can support them.”


Kicked out of kindergarten: How do elementary schools discipline?

The Christian Science Monitor

“Research shows that when young children, many of whom are still learning classroom coping skills, are pushed out of school early and repeatedly, the impact can be irreversibly damaging.”


LeBron James Talks Vandalism, Racism: ‘Being Black In America Is Tough’

The Huffington Post

“[Lebron James] stressed that ‘racism will always be a part of the world and of America’ and how Americans still have a long way to go.’”


Teaching the Truth About California Missions: Educators tackle ways to tell fourth graders about the California mission system

Indian Country Today Media Network

“Do California fourth graders receive adequate instruction about the California missions in most of the state’s elementary schools? The short answer is probably ‘no,’ despite the best efforts and intentions of many teachers and school officials to improve the curriculum.”


English Learners Were Hurt The Most When Texas Limited Special Education

National Public Radio

“In the Houston Independent School District … [English language learners’] overall enrollment has increased by 11 percent since 2006, at the same time their special education enrollment has dropped 35 percent.”


Ben Carson Said Poverty Occurs Because People Have "the Wrong Mindset"—"Poverty isn't about your state of mind as much as it is about policy and plunder." 

Teen Vogue

“Poverty in America is less about something that you do to yourself, and more about something that is done to you, either against your will or without your knowledge and consent. Poverty isn’t about your state of mind as much as it is about policy and plunder.”


Groundbreaking 7th Circuit Ruling in Favor of Ash Whitaker, Transgender Student Seeking Access to Correct Bathroom

Transgender Law Center

 “With this decision, the Seventh Circuit (which covers Wisconsin, Illinois, and Indiana) is the first federal appeals court to find conclusively that a transgender student has the right to be treated in accordance with the student’s gender identity at school under both Title IX and the Constitution.”


Directly Impacted Youth Are Leading Fights Against Racism and the Criminal Punishment System


“Young people are speaking out about the impacts on their lives of racism, crime, mass incarceration and criminal legal policies, and in addition to voicing their issues, they are demanding change.”


One D.C. school lost more than a quarter of its teaching staff this year.

The Washington Post

“While the number [of teachers] who quit abruptly is small compared with the total workforce, experts say mid-year resignations are particularly disruptive and harmful to student learning because it’s very difficult to fill sudden vacancies.”

If you come across a current article or blog you think other educators should read, please let us know!