
What We’re Reading This Week: June 21, 2019

A weekly sampling of articles, blogs and reports relevant to TT educators.

Teachers Push for Books With More Diversity, Fewer Stereotypes 

Education Week 

“Teaching students to think critically about the kinds of stories books are telling is just as important as having a diverse array of literature in the classroom.” 


Brother Outsider: Remembering Gay Civil Rights Leader Bayard Rustin 

Facing History and Ourselves 

“We all lose significantly when the powerful stories of individuals like Rustin are perpetually absent from textbooks, and LGBTQ youth of color suffer greatest when these omissions mislead them into thinking that they do not have a history at all.” 


Young People, Digital Media, and Participation in Civic and Political Life 

London School of Economics and Political Science 

“Has digital media created a generation of young people who can click, but can’t engage with social and political causes? ... We found that digital media use is positively related to getting involved in offline civic and political activities.” 


Suicide Among Teens and Young Adults Reaches Highest Level Since 2000 

PBS NewsHour 

“[Research associate Oren] Miron cautioned that the study did not identify causes. Instead, they say that now the upward trend has been identified, more research can be done to pinpoint the factors contributing to the deaths.” 


‘If Not Us, Who Will?’ 

The Washington Post 

“One study found that nearly half of all students between grades 7 and 12 reported experiencing some type of sexual harassment. ... In the era of #MeToo, of women’s marches, of the Brett M. Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, these high school students are pushing back.”