
What We’re Reading This Week: June 28, 2019

A weekly sampling of articles, blogs and reports relevant to TT educators.

A District Knew It Was Failing Some Students. How It’s Using Parents to Help 

Education Week 

“I think for too long our schools have kept families on the periphery, and ... when they engage families meaningfully and [when] families have true voice—because they have a lot of knowledge about their kids and the community—the solutions that are created are a lot more authentic and are a lot more in alignment with what the community needs.” 


A Framework for Educational Equity 


“Conversations about how to achieve educational equity often leave out indigenous peoples and their histories. … Ideally you would go out into your community and speak with cultural practitioners to bring their shared histories and experiences into schools so students gain a deeper sense of belonging and place.” 


How the Queer Community Can Embrace the Asexual Spectrum 


“As with all minority stories, the road to acceptable representation for the asexual spectrum is a journey. Education and conversation go a long way in decreasing stigma. Twenty years ago, it was about visibility; now it’s about understanding.” 


Remembering Stonewall: 50 Years Later (Podcast) 


“The drag queens took a lot of oppression. ... I guess, as they say, or as Shakespeare says, we were ladies in waiting, just waiting for the thing to happen. And when it did happen, we were there.” 


How Parents Can Help Dismantle Transphobic and Homophobic School Climates 

The Washington Post 

“Legal action can be a crucial step for parents in some situations, but it’s generally considered a last resort. For parents who want to work to dismantle trans- and homophobic school climates, here are other options.”