
What We’re Reading This Week: November 2, 2018

A weekly sampling of articles, blogs and reports relevant to TT educators.

Matthew Shepard Murder: Many U.S. States Lack LGBTQ Hate Crime Protections 20 Years Later 


“We have to do more as a country ... to make sure people are safe regardless of who they are or who they love.” 


These Girls Are Suing Their School for the Right to Wear Pants 

Huffington Post 

“I think it teaches girls they’re second-class citizens. They take second place to the boys. And it’s not right. My daughter has aspirations to do things that are traditionally men’s jobs. She wants to be a soldier. I’ve never seen a soldier in a skirt.” 


36 Teenagers Show Us Their Generation 

The New York Times 

“We challenged teenagers to analyze media and adult stereotypes about their generation — then take photos to counter them.” 


How a Jewish School in Pittsburgh Teaches About Anti-Semitism 


“Goldblum says her job is to help her students understand religious identity and cycles of persecution. Her students have a sense for justice. They've been active in marches for refugee and immigrant rights. She says they're now connecting those movements to their own Jewish history.” 


More Than 150 Families Separated at the Border Remain Locked Up in Texas 

The Texas Observer 

“As public attention shifts to a caravan of Central American migrants, many families remain locked up three months after being reunified.”