
What We’re Reading This Week: November 4

A weekly sampling of articles, blogs and reports relevant to TT educators.


The Atlantic: “All along the U.S.-Mexico border, hundreds of children from kindergarten on up make their way through checkpoints and guard stations each day to study. This has been happening for decades.”

Chalkbeat: “My statistics class is taught from a social justice lens, so I start the year asking them to describe an idea they care about deeply and why. We discuss in class that this could be racism, LGBTQ rights, workers’ safety, or anything else that motivates them to make the world a better place.”

Education Week: “Kindergarten is hard no matter what. But for thousands of African-American boys across the country, it’s a lot harder than it needs to be. These micro-humiliations are perpetrated in schools every day by adults who would be shocked if you accused them of racism.”

The Hechinger Report: “While other educators were allowed to advance and take on more challenging work like teaching Advanced Placement courses, black educators said they were often relegated to teaching low-performing students and taking on disciplinarian roles.”

Huffington Post: “Overall, researchers found that students were less likely to face exclusionary discipline when taught by teachers who look like them. ‘This effect is driven almost entirely by black students, especially black boys, who are markedly less likely to be subjected to exclusionary discipline when taught by black teachers.’”

Huffington Post: “Civic education can teach citizens how to deliberate, even when they have political differences. It can enable citizens to find solutions to many problems such as school attendance, economic development or community safety.”

The Los Angeles Times: “San Diego Unified School District has changed its program for immigrant middle school and high school students who don’t speak English. The district says its new approach empowers them, but critics say it sets them up to fail.”

National Public Radio: “A study published in the Review of Educational Research today suggests that school climate is something educators and communities should prioritize—especially as a way to bridge the elusive achievement gap.”

National Public Radio: “What you can’t do is take a transgender student and say that he has to use the separate restroom from everyone else because other people object to his presence there.”

NEA Today: “With a mixture of empathy, flexibility, and brain-based strategies, trauma-informed educators are creating cool, calm classrooms that work for all of their students.”

Voices in Education: “A White practicing high school teacher asked me for advice on how to prepare for and talk with her racially diverse students about race and society in the classroom. … She, like many teachers, wanted to support her students in building race talk but did not know what to do and how to do it.”

If you come across a current article or blog you think other educators should read, please send it to, and put “What We’re Reading This Week” in the subject line.