
What We’re Reading This Week: October 25, 2019

A weekly sampling of articles, blogs and reports relevant to TT educators.

An Attempt to Resegregate Little Rock, of All Places 

The Atlantic 

“[O]nce again, the city of Little Rock has found itself in the middle of a national struggle over school segregation. But this time, the angry demonstrators are fighting for things to be fair.” 


Key Changes Would Alter the Government's Massive Survey on Schools and Civil Rights 


“Under the proposed new survey, schools would still provide information about the racial makeup of pre-K students who get suspended, but it would no longer be possible for researchers to see whether that percentage is proportional to the number of students enrolled.” 


Rebuilding the Village: A West Virginia School System Strives to Lift Up Its Children by Tackling Poverty 

The Washington Post 

“The driving principle is that children who come to school hungry or traumatized or sick are not poised to succeed academically until those problems are addressed.” 


Schools Now Letting Students Stay Home Sick for Mental-Health Days 

The Washington Post 

“One the biggest problems that persists with mental health is the stigma around it. If a young person can feel comfortable saying I need help, that can be life-changing for a young person. It’s really different than having to lie about what’s going on just to take a sick day.” 


Everyone Should Know What Happened to Black Wall Street 

Wear Your Voice Magazine 

“No, the massacre of hundreds of Black folks—one of the worst terrorist attacks in U.S. history—really happened, and most people, especially white Americans, have never even heard of it.”