
What We’re Reading This Week: October 28

A weekly sampling of articles, blogs and reports relevant to TT educators.


The Atlantic: “Digital platforms … are helping teachers bring their best ideas and materials to audiences much larger than the tight-knit communities of copy rooms and teacher’s lounges.” 

Chalkbeat: “It’s worth remembering that there are success stories in our midst, schools that have taken deliberate steps to enroll a diversity of students, creating ‘Integrated Schools in a Segregated City.’” 

The Dallas Morning News: “For the first time in Texas, four of the state’s largest six school districts—Houston, Dallas, Austin and Fort Worth—have Latinos at the helm.” 

District Administration: “I don’t believe teachers get the proper respect that the profession deserves in terms of creating policy decisions, and in terms of general society.” 

Education Week: “The overarching objective of a teacher-support program should be to enable teachers to use their energy and skills to interrupt educational inequities within their own classrooms and schools.” 

The Fiscal Times: “Even while many areas of the country have finally bounced back from the worst of the recession, at least 23 states are providing less general funding for kindergarten through 12th grade education this year than when the recession began.”

The Hechinger Report: “‘Students who share racial and/or gender characteristics with their teachers tend to report higher levels of personal effort, happiness in class, feeling cared for, student-teacher communication, post-secondary motivation, and academic engagement.’” 

Huffington Post: “The finding of a bias against female students reflects the cultural attitudes in society at large, something which has contributed to underrepresentation of women in STEM fields.” 

National Public Radio: “Public support for programs that help children master two languages has grown significantly in California. More and more parents see biliteracy as a crucial skill that will open doors for their children.” 

NBC: “While numerous states or cities have always closed schools on Election Day in past years, the particularly contentious nature of this presidential campaign has brought up more concerns than usual.” 

The Salt Lake Tribune: “Equality Utah sued the state’s education office in federal court late Friday, challenging Utah’s curriculum laws that bar teachers and students from positive discussions about homosexuality in public schools.”

The Washington Post: “I want to use my position to help the country see transgender people like me as real people just living our lives. We are not perverse. We are not broken. We are not sick. We are not freaks. We cannot change who we are. Our gender identities are as innate as anyone else’s.”

If you come across a current article or blog you think other educators should read, please send it to, and put “What We’re Reading This Week” in the subject line.