
What We’re Reading This Week: October 4, 2019

A weekly sampling of articles, blogs and reports relevant to TT educators.

Please Don't Fire My Teacher Because She’s Gay 


“Every presentation she shows, every lecture she gives as the only out educator at my school, is an indication to me that I should not be scared to pursue my dream of becoming a Supreme Court Justice who happens to be LGBTQ+.” 


For School Leaders, a Time of Vigilance and Caring 


“Principals from California to Connecticut told us that, in comparison with all other challenges, gun violence ‘has captured the most attention,’ represents the ‘largest stress,’ and poses the ‘gravest concerns.’” 


Strike Date Set for Chicago Teachers 

Education Week 

“Chicago Teachers Union members are set to stop work on Oct. 17 to demand a salary increase, smaller class sizes, and more school nurses, librarians, and social workers. Bargaining will continue until then, but the two sides remain far apart on several key issues.” 


‘It Was Very Humiliating’: Readers Share How They Were Taught About Slavery 

The New York Times 

“In my 10th grade American history class, we were given an assignment to write the ‘pros’ and cons of slavery. Many of us questioned what, if any, ‘pro’ would there be, but the assignment stood.” 


The Forgotten History of America’s Worst Racial Massacre 

The New York Times 

“Elaine was probably the largest massacre of black people in post-Civil War history, yet no federal investigation was ever conducted. This neglect by the government came in the face of people who merely sought to exercise their basic rights to secure a lawyer to defend their property.”