
What We’re Reading This Week: September 27, 2019

A weekly sampling of articles, blogs and reports relevant to TT educators.

Do Districts Actually Want Black Male Teachers? 

Education Week 

“Valuing and supporting teachers after they are hired is often more important than simply hiring them in the first place. Too many districts instead offer little to no support for Black teachers, overutilize them for disciplinary purposes, and do not respect them for both their content knowledge and instructional skills.” 


This Banned Books Week, Stories With LGBTQ Themes Dominate the Most-Challenged List 

Education Week 

“This year … the list of the most banned and challenged books displays one new ‘worrisome trend,’ said Deborah Caldwell-Stone, the interim director of the [American Library Association’s] Office for Intellectual Freedom. Six of the 11 books on the list for 2018 were banned or challenged for including LGBTQ characters or themes.” 


A School Put an Autistic Boy’s Desk in a Bathroom, Setting Off a Debate on Stigmas 

The New York Times 

“Would we imagine a similar suggestion would be proposed for any other student who just needed a quiet place for whatever reason? Or is there something about the understanding and the ability to empathize with, and connect to, and see the core humanity and dignity of, a child with disabilities?” 


An Alternative School Is Opening for Kids with Behavior Issues — Some as Young as 5 

The Washington Post 

“Eighteen months before, you might have been changing their diapers. They were just starting to walk and run. And now you want to put them in alternative school?” 


Trump Administration Rule Could End Free School Lunches for About 500,000 Children 

The Washington Post 

“The change ... is intended to eliminate eligibility for people who get food stamps because they have qualified for other forms of government aid, even though they may have savings or other assets. But the impact of the cuts is anticipated to go further: Children in those households could also lose access to free school lunches, since food stamp eligibility is one way students can qualify for the lunches.”